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Friday, June 25, 2010

Well Water and Lead in Your Drinking Water

The presence of lead can occur in both public water supplies and private well water supplies. High levels of lead in drinking water can cause severe health problems, especially in children. Many people who drink from their own wells do not assume that lead can be present in underground water. They are wrong.

Let's begin by defining lead. In simple terms, lead is a metal that is naturally occurring in most areas of the world. While lead does occur naturally, higher, dangerous levels are usually caused by man-made events. These can include the burning of fossil fuels, mining, and manufacturing to name just three.

Lead can also be found in many products and materials. For example, while many believe lead is no longer in paint, it can be found in some types of paint. Lead can also be found in batteries and many types of metal products. All of these sources can leach lead into ground water supplies and from there get into private well water supplies.

Those consumers who drink from their own private wells should note that lead is often brought to the tap because of old pipes and lead solder that may have been used to connect pipes and faucets. Most experts agree that lead pipes are the major way lead gets into drinking water in both rural and urban settings. This applies to both public water systems and private well water consumers.

Even though brass usually contains low levels of lead, the substance can still dissolve into the water that is delivered to the tap. This is especially true when the plumbing fixtures are new.

Wells that are over twenty years old may contain lead in the "packer" element. This element is used to seal the well above the well screen. It should also be noted that some older model submersible pumps may also contain leaded and brass parts and components.

What all of this means is even though there may be little to no lead in your well water outside, lead can get into your drinking water as it travels through the pump, pipes and fixtures to the tap. Lead can be especially high in the water that comes from some older hot water tanks. You should never drink from the hot water tap, and not use hot tap water for cooking.

The only way to know if you have lead in your drinking water is to have it tested. Those who own private wells may also want to have a professional pump installer come out and inspect the pump and piping for any lead components or parts.

If you discover you do have lead in your drinking water the best course of action is to try to remove the source of the lead. This might mean changing out older pump parts or installing newer pipes that do not have lead solder connects.

Another option to consider is the use of water filters inside the home. Water filters can be purchased that are either whole house filters or point of use filters. Whole house water filters can remove lead from any water that enters the residence. Point of use water filters, which are very affordable these days, are used at the faucets. In addition to removing lead, quality water filters will also remove many other types of water contaminants, making your water much safer for your family to drink and cook with.

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Be Careful With Computer Radiation

People have paid more and more attention on the impact computer has on the physical and mental health of people. What should we do to reduce this kind of damage? Generally speaking, people who use computer should take 10-minute rest per hour. It would be better to go outside and do some exercise. In normal times, we should exercise more and build up our physique. There are five things that we should pay attention to.

1. Pay attention to working atmosphere

The light inside the room should be soft, neither too dark nor too bright. The working room should be kept open for ventilation so that the poisonous gas can get out of the room as soon as possible. Try to minimal the times of using non impact printers in order to reduce noise.

2. Pay attention to your gesture

The center of computer screen should be on the same level of chest. It is better to use a height-adjusting chair so that you can have enough space to put your legs. Do not put one leg on the other because it may influence the blood circulation.

3. Pay attention to the protection of eyes.

Try to avoid using computer for a long time without rest. You need to rest every once in a while. Your eyes should be 40 to 50 centimeters away from the screen. You can try to make the screen at eye-level so as to relax your muscles on your neck and make your eyes feel comfortable.

4. Paying attention to the supplement of nutrition

Since computer users work for a long time before computers, they must consume a large amount of rhodopsin on the retinas and rhodopsin is mainly made up of vitamin A. Therefore, computers users should take in food like carrots, cabbage, bean curd, orange, milk and egg so as to supplement vitamin A and protein in human body. They can also drink tea often because the tea polyphenol can help to absorb and resist radical substances.

5. Pay attention to the cleaning of skin.

There is a large amount of static electricity on the computer screen. It can collect dusts in the air and spread them to the skin. In the long-term, they are likely to suffer from macula, pigmentation and sometimes even more serious skin disease.

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Effective Nits Treatment

When it comes to treating nits, make sure that whatever it is you resort to using, comb your hair thoroughly after each nits treatment using a nit comb. After 10 days of undergoing nits treatment, make sure to do the same procedure over and over again to be sure that there is nothing left in your hair. Here are some effective nits treatment tips that might be helpful to you in getting rid of your nits and lice:

· Make sure to include all family members in the treatment even if they are not showing any signs of having head lice or nits.

· Make sure to disinfect all bed linens, towels and other soft furnishings used by the infected person.

· White vinegar and Listerine treatment - pour Listerine through the hair and cover the head with a shower cap. Leave the hair soaked in Listerine for about two hours and then rinse the Listerine away along with the lice. Next, pour white sugar over the hair and comb it thoroughly. This will remove all the gluey stuff which enables the nits to stick onto the shafts of the hair. Rinse the hair very well and try using the nits comb once again.

· Using a shampoo with coal tar can be very helpful when it comes to treating nits.

· Robi comb - this is considered the most effective nits comb, as it can kill the pests on contact.

· Olive oil nits treatment - mix half a cup of olive oil with at least 2 to 3 tablespoons of tea tree oil. Massage the mixture onto the scalp and then cover the head with a shower cap. Place an old towel around the neck to absorb the dripping oil. Leave the oil mixture for about 30 minutes and then rinse the hair with an ordinary shampoo to get rid of the oil. Use vinegar and hot water to rinse the hair alternately.

· Use warmed mayonnaise to smother your hair with, and then place a shower cap over your head. Leave the mayonnaise on for at least 2 hours and then wash it with an ordinary shampoo to remove the mayonnaise from the hair. Rinse your hair with vinegar and leave it there for 5 minutes before rinsing it again with an ordinary shampoo.

· Try to purchase a hair conditioning and gluey scalp treatment- the thicker the better. Coat your hair very well and then put on a shower cap. Leave it there overnight. Upon waking up in the morning, wash it out. Do not worry about leftover conditioners in the hair. They can continue to stay there during the lice treatment process.

· Use Vaseline and apply it onto your hair, use a shower cap to cover your head. Leave it overnight and then upon waking up in the morning, apply peanut butter onto your hair to dislodge the Vaseline. Use an ordinary shampoo and rinse it well.

To avoid getting a head lice infestation again in the future, try to do the following:

· Use a spray bottle filled with water, add 2 to 3 drops of lavender oil and spray it on your hair every morning.

· Add a few drops of tea tree oil into your shampoo and conditioner.

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Ways For You to Supply Energy Quickly (1)

It is very important to supply energy for your body so that you can have enough energy to work and to live a happy life. Here I list five ways for you to supply energy quickly.

1. Increase the supply of magnesium

Why would you still feel tired even if you have a regular and healthy diet? The answer may be the inadequate intake of magnesium. More than 300 kinds of biological and chemical reaction are done with the help of magnesium. A woman should take in about 300 micrograms of magnesium a day while a man needs about 350 micrograms. Thus, when you are in low spirits, you should find out if you are lacking in Magnesium. You are suggested to take in food like almond, filbert, fish etc.

2. Go out for walking

You must feel it strange to do exercise when you feel tired. But experts said that doing exercise especially walking can offer you with more energy. A study has shown that to walk ten minutes can supply you with energy which can lasts for 2 hours. Thus, if you walk 10 minutes a day and insist it for three weeks, you can not only improve the basic energy level, but also feel pleasant and relaxed.

3. Take a good sleep

If our brain is overloaded with information and can not get a rest, we will feel tired easily. A study institute in US has found that take a 60-minute sleep cannot make us forget the information we just obtain, instead, it can help us to memorize them better. Meanwhile, our body can get a good rest.

4. Have breakfast

Study shows that those who have breakfast regularly are always full of energy and feel pleasant. Thus, we should eat breakfast everyday. Of course, to have meals in time everyday can make us have enough energy to work and live a happy life.

5. Reduce pressure

Physiologists said that stress can consumer much of our energy. Sometimes we may feel tired without doing anything. In this condition, it must be anxiety and stress that consume your energy. At this time, you can listen to some music, talk with your friends or read some romantic novels so as to relieve the pressure and supply energy for you.

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Do the Right Thing in the Right Time

There is always a right time for doing everything. Thus, we should choose the right time to do the right thing. In this way, we can achieve unexpected result.

1. The right time for eating fruit

Fruit is a kind of necessary food for human. It is really beneficial to human health. Different kinds of fruit have different functions. Some of them do good to skin and make skin soft and tender. Some of them can help to remove toxin inside human body. To eat fruit one hour before meal is the most correct way of having fruit. As fruit is a kind of uncooked food, we should eat them first before we eat cooked food. In this way, the white cells inside our body will not increase. Therefore, the immune system can be protected.

2. The right time for taking a walk

It is a good way to maintain health to take a walk after meal. But we should not go walking immediately after meal. Instead, we should take a walk 45 minutes to 60 minutes after meal. We can walk 20 minutes at the speed of 4.8 kilometers an hour because with this speed we consumer a large amount of calories and lose our weight. Therefore, for those who want to go on a diet, taking a walk is really a good idea.

3. The right time for taking a bath

A bath before going to bed is good for the relaxation of muscles and joints of our body. In addition, it can also increase the blood circulation.

4. The right time for sleeping

Afternoon nap should be taken from 1p.m. because the senses of human body begin to fall down and people feel easy to fall into sleep at this time. It is suggested that we should go to bed during 10 p.m. to 11 p.m. because a person should be in deep sleep from midnight to 3 a.m. and a person always falls into deep sleep an hour after sleeping.

5. The right time for taking exercise

The best time for exercising is late in the afternoon. This is because the adaptability of human body is the best late in the afternoon. At this time, a person's senses of taste, sight and hearing are most active. Body coordination is also the best during this period. As the rhythm of heart and blood pressure is relatively stable at this time, you can take a good sleep after exercising.

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