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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Natural Hemorrhoid Remedies and H Miracle

Hemorrhoids are primarily caused due to exertion of excessive pressure near the rectal or pelvic region which makes the veins in this area to swell and inflame and finally giving rise to what is called hemorrhoids. Natural home remedies are possible to reduce the symptoms of this condition. Generally it has been seen that hemorrhoids are caused by various behavioral problems of people like giving excessive pressure in haste during bowel movements, unhealthy food habits leading to constipation, being overweight, etc. So clearly if one corrects these behavioral and habitual problems then chances are that hemorrhoids symptoms can be reduced to a great extent.

It is a well known statement that prevention is better than cure. This is really a very true and important statement. The primary aspect of hemorrhoid management is its prevention. So let's find out how one can avoid developing this uncomfortable condition.

1. The most prevalent cause of hemorrhoids is known to be constipation. This is a condition where bowel movements become difficult due to roughage or digestive problems. To prevent it one must be cautious about food habit. Food which is less spicy, easily digestible should b eaten. More leafy vegetables and salads and fibrous foods should be eaten. This kind of food adds to bulk of the food bolus and helps in bowel movements. Lots of water should also be drunk.

2. Balanced diet should be taken and regular exercise should be done to prevent accumulation of excessive fats in the abdominal area.

3. While defecation one should not hurry and always avoid putting excessive pressure and strain.
These are more or less the ways to prevent hemorrhoids from at all developing. In one sentence if a balanced lifestyle and a healthy food habit is maintained then chances are that this condition will never develop.

For those who are actually suffering from hemorrhoids, simple home remedies are possible which will reduce the pain and discomfort associated with this. Mild cases of hemorrhoids will promptly respond to home remedies but acute cases must be treated with proper medication. Some natural hemorrhoid remedies are as follows:

1. Patients can sit on warm water or Sitz baths for 15 minutes three or four times a day. These will give lot of comfort to them. If Epsom salt can be added to water it will provide a very nice soothing effect and it will also help to reduce the swellings.

2. Plenty of fresh fruits, leafy vegetables and fibrous foods must be incorporated in regular diet. Regular exercising is must. Lot of water and fluid intake is imperative. Spicy foods, Alcoholic drinks should be totally avoided

3. The anal area should be cleansed with mild warm water. Unscented and mild soaps and uncolored tissue papers should always be used. Gently cleaning the area with a wet cleansing tissue is highly recommended.

4. Haste and excessive pressure should be avoided during bowel movements.

5. Sitting for a long time in the same posture is not recommended at all. This may cause unwarranted strain and pressure on the pelvic area and thus may increase the symptoms. So periodic movements of the body is needed. Short walks or stretching can help.

6. If natural home remedies are not having effect on hemorrhoids even after 1-2 weeks then the physician must be contacted. Proper medication should always be followed. Indulgence in over-the-counter drugs without physician's prescription is a strict no-no.

Thus we can see that very simple natural home remedies for hemorrhoids are available which if implemented correctly can be very effective.

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Stair Lifts For Straight Stairs

Stair lifts for straight stairs are ideally suited for domestic and commercial purposes, and these are installed on stairs that have no bends or curves. These are in every way a practical, safe and convenient solution for individuals who find it difficult to climb up and down the stairs.

Stair Lifts - Customizable and Affordable Accessibility Equipment

Stair lifts are available in a variety of models tailored to your budget and needs. Straight stairway lifts incorporated with a variety of user friendly features are on offer now, manufactured by the leaders in the industry such as Bruno, ThyssenKrupp Access, and Savaria Concord. With so many models and options available, you can definitely find a stair lift that is appropriate for your needs. The various models available in this category are Citia, Flow II, Stair-Glide B.07, Step saver, Electra-Ride LT, Electra-Ride Elite, Electra-Ride II and outdoor Electra-Ride Elite.

Maximum Comfort, Great Features

Some of the distinctive functional features incorporated in straight stairlifts are:

• Automatic sensors
• Soft start/stop operation
• Overspeed governor
• Safety belt
• State-of-the-art operating control buttons
• Optional safety key for extra security
• Rack and pinion drive for smoother drive
• Swing-away arms for enabling easy wheelchair transfer for the rider
• Wireless call/send features

Stair lifts are designed to move along a rail that is fixed on the stair. The rail can also be fixed on a wall running parallel to the staircase. These equipment, ideal for both indoor and outdoor applications, are available as A/C models and BOS (Battery Operated Systems). When compared to curved stairlifts, straight stairlifts are easy to install and more economical.

Although stair lifts for straight stairs can be quickly installed, it is better to make sure that the dealer you choose provides excellent after sales service. It is also essential to have a clear understanding of the quality, features and benefits of straight stair lifts before purchasing them.

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The Common Cold - Dealing With the Rhinovirus

The age in which we live has proved to be exceptional above all of past history simply because the latter part of the twentieth century was an explosion in knowledge and progress. However, there is one thing that we have failed miserably at - the eradication of the common cold. With all of our technology and medical knowledge, we have yet come up with a cure for the common everyday cold that afflicts millions on a daily basis. Where does the common cold come from and how do we fall victim to this invisible menace?

Actually the common cold is not invisible, although we can't see it, the virus that does cause the colds lives smack in the middle of your face, in your nose. Not only does it lie in your nose but it also takes up residence in your sinuses, bronchial tubes and inner ear. We are all familiar with the symptoms of the common cold which include: a runny nose followed closely by sneezing, cough and in some instances a sore throat. The common cold usually announces it's presence with a general feeling of body weakness or aches and chilliness.

Adults can expect to catch a common cold on average two to three times a year with children unfortunately catching a cold as much as ten times in a calendar year. Children are more susceptible to colds because they go to school with other children that have colds and children are not likely to practice preventive measures to help decrease the chances of cold such as hand washing.

Although there are many different strains of the cold virus, the Rhinovirus is the most common cause of the common cold. One of the most important preventive measures that can be used to avoid the chances of catching the common cold is hand washing. When in public places, it is very important that your hands not touch your face until such time that your hands can be washed. This will increase your chances of not catching a cold.

There is not a cure for the cold, however there are medicines that can be used to treat the symptoms. One medicine is antihistamines which are used to control sneezing and runny nose. Decongestants are used to open nasal passages to increase air flow to making breathing easier. Cough suppressants are used to reduce coughing often associated with cold symptoms.

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Friday, February 6, 2009

How to Prepare Your Home For Portable and Telescopic Wheelchair Ramps - Buying Guide

Some buildings and homes are created with the universal design in mind. The universal design meets the standards of all users, not just the average person. In order to accommodate mobile disabled people, building a wheelchair ramp is a necessity for some homes.

There are steps that can be taken to improve the accessibility to help people with mobile disabilities .

First, know the size of the wheelchair that needs to be accommodated for. Wheelchairs vary a lot in size. Some are more portable, meant for travel, while others are designed for bariatric users. Knowing the right wheelchair is important to make sure the home has the right dimensions for the door and other spaces in the home. The ramp should be at least 2 feet wider than the wheelchair. The length of the ramp will depend on how many steps there are. For best practices, measure the stairs from the top step to the ground.

Some homes have double doors. If this is so, it will be a good idea to unlock both doors to make it easier to get through.

Arrange furniture in the middle of the room or all the way to the wall, clearing a path to make it easier for a mobile disabled person to move around. Wheelchairs are usually wider than a table, so expect the room to be the size of 1 and half guests to make sure there will be ample room. If the table is square, have the wheelchair user be at a corner, so it will be easier to get in and out with out bothering others.

If you have a rug that is cumbersome to have someone with a wheelchair move around, you want to either remove it or put another type of textile to make it easier to move around. If there is tile or marble on the floor, find out if its easy to skid. You can always put a carpet runner to prevent skidding.

Portable ramps are inexpensive way to help wheelchair users to get have easier access to homes. The slope of a ramp should not exceed 1 inch of rise for every 1 foot of length. Handrails need to be installed if the slope of the ramp exceeds a rise greater than 6 inches

There are two different types of ramps Suitcase portable wheelchair ramps ($90 to $280) are standard, single-folding units that fold in half and are carried like a suitcase with handles. Telescopic portable wheelchair ramps ($300 to $600) are more expensive. These unload quickly, similar to unpacking a telescope, and provide smoother adjustments to varied lengths.

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Healthy Immunity - Fight Your Child's Colds Naturally

Last October, both the American and Canadian health authorities issued strong advisories warming consumers not to give over-the-counter cough and cold medications to children without first consulting a doctor. The result was a recall of most children's cough and cold products on the market. The warning told the consumers that children under the age of two should not use decongestants and those under the age of six should not be given antihistamine medicines. Both are commonly used to treat colds in children. One concern regarding these products is that many of them contain pharmaceutical ingredients that if combined by taking more than one product at the same time, they could lead to an overdose in children.

But what can you do to help your child fight a cold?

As many know, the common cold is a viral infection. About 80 per cent of the case of the common cold in the fall and winter are caused by the rhinovirus. This nasty virus can live on a door knob for three hours or longer. Viruses enter your body from direct exposure (touching an infected person coughs or sneezes near you).

Once in your throat, a virus will try to infect one of your cells. You have a natural mucous layer in your airways that acts like sticky tape to trap these viruses. However, in the winter, furnaces dry out the air and this protective mucous layer can become dehydrated and crack. Once attached to your cell, viruses use your cells to reproduce. An infected cell in your body eventually dies, and virus microbes find new cells to infect and multiply in. The white blood cells of your immune system are the only thing that can stop a virus from infecting and replicating in your body. Nutrients found in fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds can fuel your white blood cells and help them find and destroy viruses that are making you sick. Antibiotics only kill bacteria and are no use against the common cold. Heading to the doctor cannot help you treat a common cold.

Considering the importance of the mucous membranes (inner skin) in the immune system integrity, it only makes sense to assure that we strengthen them regularly during the winter months in order to protect us from foreign pathogens.

What keeps these mucous membranes healthy and vibrant are the good bacteria- good flora-that inhabits them.

Limiting your child's sugar, junk food and dairy intake is one way toward healthy mucous membranes.

When in trouble (having a cold), you can speed up this process by supplementing with good bacteria (probiotics) in pill form, like Acidophillus, Bifidus, etc.

Through hand washing your hands is helpful to ward off colds, it is almost impossible to prevent exposure to viruses every minute of every day. When virus enters your body, be armed and ready with a healthy immune system. Herbs such as atralagus and echinacea are commonly used by adults to help boost their immunity and prevent colds, using varying dosages which depend on the strength of the product and its format (capsule or tincture). Studies have not been done to determine whether astralagus can be safely used in children. There is some evidence that an echinacea juice extract is safe for children aged two to 11 when used for up to 10 days. Eating a healthy diet that is rich in nutrients to boost immunity is a great way to safely prevent the common cold in children. Multivitamins designed with dosages safe for children may also help boost the immune system. Probiotics have been used in children in many research studies without safety concerns and may offer some immune boosting benefits as well.

One class of safe-for-children cold remedies are homeopathics, prescribed according to the child's constitution and manifesting symptoms. Homeopathy has demonstrated success in treating respiratory infection as effective as aspirin in relieving cold symptoms.

No matter how well you prepare, you can still end up sick with acold. The body will produce mucous in response to the infection. It attempts to slow down the ability of viruses to attack your cells, and as a result, also causes you to have sniffles, a stuffy nose, cough and congestion. These symptoms are natural reactions that are good for you and your child, even though they're annoying. The safety warning issued last October was about over-the-counter products aimed to treat these symptoms.

Suppressing symptoms is modern's medicines way of treating illness-not necessary the way illnesses should be treated. Quite often, when suppressing symptoms, the disease process goes more internally, only to manifest at a deeper level later on.

We all know there is no allopathic cure for the common cold... Which makes Naturopathy the only alternative luckily, naturopathy offers many working solutions. Along naturopathy, using a humidifier, ensuring that your children eat foods packed with nutrients and keep well hydrated by drinking water can help fight off a cold. In addition, chicken soup is more than just your mom's remedy. Scientist have found that chicken soup acts like a decongestant to give minor relief from a stuffed-up nose and positively affects the immune system. With the growing concern over the potential risk of using over-the-counter cold medications for children, it might be time to go back to these time-tested natural remedies.

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