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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Pesky Summer Cold - Fact Or Fiction?

Kick those cold and flu symptoms all year long!

Summer colds are the worst. They can cramp your style, clog your snorkel, slow your swimming and unbalance your skiing with retro-sneezes. Sniffling in the sun, you may even feel feverish. But what can you do? While others are having wet fun you are having wet misery. While others are tanned and smiling, you will be drippy and sad.

A summer cold is an illness caused by a virus infection located in the nose and leads to symptoms such as runny nose, sneezing, sore throat, cough, headache, fever, etc. which are a result of the body's response to the infection. Summer colds are generally far worse than winter colds although they occur less often due to the warm weather. True? Absolutely not.

The truth about summer colds is that they are exactly the same as winter colds. People just tend to take notice when they get a cold during the summer because they'd rather be on vacation or playing outdoors. Catch a cold in December and, well, it figures. You bundle up, you buy boxes of Kleenex and extra cough drops. The whole ordeal becomes bearable. You accept it with good grace. You can even seek temporary relief by sipping hot tea. But try drinking hot tea in the dog days of August. (What more can you do to break out in hives?)

We get so upset about getting sick during the summer because subconsciously we have this idea that cold weather makes you sick. Let's get real. This is 2009, we all know that germs cause illness, not weather. During the summer we actually do a lot of things that make us more susceptible to bacteria, so it's not surprising that we catch the occasional cold. Traveling via airplane, being in air conditioned offices, going to other countries with different germs, experiencing allergies: these are all things that can cause us to catch a cold or flu.

If you're determined to stay healthy this summer, get plenty of rest, drink a lot of water, eat healthy, exercise, wash your hands often and avoid touching your mouth, eyes and nose. Next time you get sick during those cherished warm summer months, don't let it ruin your plans. Take a break from your fun and rest for a day or two until you recover- just as you would from a winter cold.

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