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Saturday, August 8, 2009

Preventive Measures to Curb the Occurrence of a UTI

Many women suffer from a UTI once in their lifetime. The infection is caused due to bacterial syndrome that resides near the lower intestine. The bacterium moves to the bladder due to inadequate toilet hygiene which leads to bladder inflammation. The infection can also damage the kidneys, if you neglect the symptoms for long run.

There is a popular saying that "Prevention is better than cure". Hence, you should follow certain preventive measures during your day to day activities to keep the disease at a bay. Firstly, you should drink 10-12 glass of water for regular functioning of the urinary bladder. You can also drink cranberry juice to wash out the bacterium from the urinary tract. You should avoid drinking alcohol for effective excretory process.

You should empty the urinary bladder during the urinary secretion. Any kind of residual can give birth to harmful germs and bacteria. You should urinate frequently so that the bacterium gets flushed out easily. You should consult a doctor as soon as you notice symptoms of UTI like pain during urine flow, blood in urine, pain in pelvic region etc.

Moreover, you should maintain proper toilet hygiene to keep the disease at a bay. You should clean yourself in a front to back manner during bowel movements. This prevents the transfer of bacterium from the anus to the urethra. You should take a shower instead of a tub bath. These minor preventive measures decrease the probability of inflection of the contagious disease.

You should remember that UTI is a recurrent disease. Hence, there are increased risks of occurrence of the disease after sometime. You can prevent this by following the above guidelines in your day to day life. However, if you still suffer from the infection, then consult a doctor and start an antibiotic treatment as soon as possible.

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