Is a Tonsillectomy Required For Tonsil Stones?
Tonsil stones form when food particles and bacteria build up into little white balls in the crypts on or near the tonsils. Also called tonsilloliths, these bumps can cause awful bed breath and a general irritation of the throat. However, tonsil stones are not a serious condition and can often be treated at home.
A tonsillectomy is a surgical procedure that is done to remove infected tonsils. However, this type of infection can be either bacterial or viral. Bacterial infection must be treated by antibiotics. Viral infections do not have any treatment. However, you can help relieve some of the symptoms of tonsillitis by gargling a mixture of turmeric and powdered pepper, and boiled water. Over the counter pain medication may help with the aches and pains and sore throat that are also common.
Tonsil stones, however, will require a different treatment. Many times, you can get rid of these by squeezing your throat or coughing them up. Another home remedy is to gargle a mixture of salt and water. If these do not work, you might try using a syringe filled with warm water to dislodge the tonsil stones.
While many people confuse the two conditions, there are marked differences. The major difference is that your throat is not as sore with tonsil stones as it is with tonsillitis. Your doctor may suggest a tonsillectomy to remove your tonsils if you suffer from repeated cases of tonsillitis. The best doctor to consult on such an issue is an ENT doctor. Best of luck to you.
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