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Friday, March 27, 2009

Sinus Pressure - The Five Steps to a Quick Cure

After many years of suffering from a variety of sinus ailments, especially pressure, and trying different treatments I came to the conclusion that the answer lies in a combination of healing systems working in cooperation with each other. When I tried this and with the help of my Maker I found the therapeutic answer I was looking for. This is a summary of the five steps I took:

Food and drink

Some of the regular food I was eating was exacerbating my sinus pressure problem. Particularly two of them: sugar and dairy products. Significant amounts of refined sugars are not only very detrimental to the sinus sufferer, but to anyone's health. Despite the skepticism of some, scientific research has proved this beyond a doubt. Therefore sugar should be cut back very significantly if one aspires to sinus health. Same applies, basically, to dairy products. I am certain that when this is done results will be seen in a matter of days.

Realignment of the atlas

To function properly the whole body needs a steady, full, constant flow of brain generated electric energy. The "main power line" for this vital flow is the spinal cord. Thus we don't want anything to interfere with the latter. Unfortunately, the atlas vertebra, the one the skull sits on, can get out of alignment and impinge upon the spinal cord. This misalignment is called: a "subluxation of the atlas." Obviously this condition should be corrected and until one does some organ or part of the body is not going to get its full flow of electric energy from the spinal cord and a malfunction of that area or organ is going to result. Sometimes a regular physician is at a loss trying to figure out what may be causing a certain malady or health issue in a patient and there lies the real cause of the problem. Obviously it is, therefore, very important to have the atlas vertebra "adjusted," realigned, whenever it is dislocated. If one is really serious about health issues, including sinus pressure, one of the first things one can choose to do is to have the atlas checked. The professionals who are trained to do this are chiropractors. The actual adjustment last 2-3 minutes, it is painless and it's preceded by a set of X-rays that are taken of the cervical (neck) area to ascertain the degree and angle of the subluxation. I can tell when my atlas is out of alignment by the way I begin to feel. You should know that when a dislocated atlas is realigned the whole body benefits from it and in some cases other common ailments may also begin to disappear.


This oriental healing system is gaining acceptance in the United States because of its simplicity, no cost and above all its effectiveness. I can almost relieve sinus pressure anytime I want and within minutes by simply applying finger pressure for 4-5 minutes on a point located on the upper part of the back of the neck; where the skull ends and the soft tissue begins. Anyone can do it once the precise acupressure points and a few other details are learned. Many other common ailments can be helped by acupressure.


One herb in particular deserves our special attention. It is very common because it is used a lot in cooking. Its name is: garlic. My regular physician once told me: the "most important [medicinal] herb is garlic." From cold and viruses to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart problems, garlic is a versatile, inexpensive, therapeutic powerhouse. Its main healing ingredient is allicin, which now a days can be purchased by itself. Try garlic for a while a see the results for yourself. The German government has made scientific studies on garlic and the results fully concur with the aforementioned therapeutic properties of this lowly bulb. If a virus or cold is caught early on and treated with garlic or allicin for several days, often they forestall sinus pressure that could have resulted from a developed virus or cold. Echinacea and astragalus are also excellent herbs to boost the immune system against those illnesses. They have been called, especially garlic, "nature's antibiotics."


When the items, above, are faithfully followed and still sinus pressure persists there is a good chance that the root cause of the problem is allergy to the environment. Things like pollens from certain plants, house dust, smog, chemicals at the work place and/or at home. If after trying to ascertain which items you could be allergic to, or if you already suspect which one could be culprits, and you want to be sure and do something about it, then ask your physician about allergy tests. If indeed you have strong allergies, probably nothing short of allergy injections, administered on a regular basis, is going to make a substantial difference then.


Sinus pressure is in many cases preventable. By eating right, freeing the spinal cord from pressure against it, doing acupressure to drain the sinuses and boost the immune system, and using botanicals to prevent and treat illness like colds and viral infections, we would be putting in motion the cooperative combination of five natural healing systems that is for many of us the way to go, and it makes sense.

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Top Five Ways For Treating the Common Wart

It's understandable why people look for methods for treating the common wart. Among some people, warts can cause some minor discomfort especially if they are large and tend to rub off against shoes or clothing. In most cases however, individuals simply want warts removed because they are embarrassing. If you want to explore wart treatments, here are five of the most popular.

Leaving it Alone

Not every skin expert will agree that treating the common wart is necessary. This is simply because warts on the face, hands and feet often go away by themselves after some time. Hence, there may be no immediate need to have them treated. As already mentioned though wart treatment does become an option when warts become too conspicuous or when they cause discomfort that can interfere with daily activities.

Over the Counter Solutions

There are some wart removal products that you can buy without a doctor's prescription. If your wart is not bleeding, multiplying or causing severe pain, then you may not need to see a doctor for medication. The most common over the counter substance used for treating the common wart is salicylic acid. This can be applied directly on warts or you can use a plaster that carries the acid.

Natural Remedies

People who don't like using chemical medication may opt for natural solutions. There are many ways to treat warts naturally. Not all of them however will work for you and it may take some experimentation before you hit on the right remedy for treating the common wart. Some common remedies include:

* Duct Tape or Medical Plaster- You just have to leave the plaster or tape on for a period of time and replace it when necessary.
* Vitamins- Vitamin A capsules and vitamin C paste are believed to be able to fight warts. You simply have to apply the vitamins directly to the wart. There is however, no scientific proof of the effectiveness of these treatment options.
* Keeping Dry- Warts thrive best in moist conditions so you can help your warts go away faster if you pat them dry every time they get wet.
* Emery Boards- Dead cells can build up over your warts. Filing the dead cells away can help get rid of the bulging appearance of warts faster.


One popular method for treating the common wart is cryosurgery. In this method, your doctor will apply liquid nitrogen on the wart to freeze it. The wart will eventually slough off. This is a minor medical procedure and will not require a prolonged period of recuperation.

Other Medical Methods

Aside from cryosurgery, there are other medical procedures that you may consider. Some may opt for direct excision of the wart, wart burning or laser wart removal. These are all great ways for quick wart removal but they are more costly than non-clinic procedures.

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White Spots on Tonsils? How to Remove Them

If you've looked into the mirror lately and noticed some white spots on your tonsils then you have probably run to the doctor or to a friend to inform them that you have some sort of horrible tonsil disease.

Is it chicken tonsil pox? Tonsil acne perhaps? Maybe it's a tonsil mosquito bite.

Don't stress out. It's not chicken-tonsil pox, nor is it tonsil acne and, unless you have been eating mosquitoes for breakfast, it is not a tonsil mosquito bite.

It most likely is tonsil stones.

Tonsils stones are not life threatening, nor are they that dangerous. They are, however, extremely annoying. This is because those white spots on your tonsils are actually nasty balls of bacteria, mouth debris and old food particles stuck together to form a putrid ball of YUCK!

These stones are not an infection of the tonsils or a throat irritation. They occur simply because food and mouth bacteria form together and get stuck in your tonsil crypts, or your tonsil crevices. Everyone has crevices in their tonsils just like everyone has pores on their face.

While some people have larger pores and are prone to acne, other people have larger tonsil crypts and are prone to these stones.

Luckily there is a way to get rid of these tonsil stones.

These white spots on your tonsils need to know who is the boss - and that's you. There are several different methods when it comes to removing your these stones. You can try to cough or hack them out.

If you can squeeze your throat together, you may be able to pop them out of place. You can also gargle them out with salt water. Another common method is to scrape them out using a toothpick or a cotton swap. You can also take a syringe to the tonsil stones and spray them out.

Whatever you choose to do to get rid of those white spots, keep in mind that they very smelly when they finally do come out. You will need to wash your hands and mouth after handling them. Try to avoid the urge to pop these little suckers, even though you might want to. You should also keep these white balls away from your nose -- they most certainly do not smell like white roses.

So now that you know that you don't have chicken tonsil pox you can take the appropriate measures kick those white spots on your tonsils to the curb.

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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Get Rid of Head Lice on Personal Items

Head lice are terrible pests, but getting rid of an infestation requires focused action and determination. The risk of spreading a head lice infestation through a household is a real threat and so it is important to take action and treat the personal items of an infected person. The most likely items that could be infected are discussed below with recommended treatment procedures.

Combs and Brushes
The most obvious item that most likely contains lice or nits is the person's comb or hair brush. The comb or hair brush is an example of a personal item that is in direct contact with the infestation of head lice. Combs and brushes are difficult to clean as the crevices and teeth provide a perfect place for the head lice to hold on and hide. You can either buy new brushes or clean them by soaking all combs and brushes in boiling water. Not all combs are able to be placed in boiling water, so be careful. Also clean each comb after use to stop the spread of head lice as well as re-infecting your self.

Special care is also required with your clothing, especially hats, beanies and hoodies. Take your clothing and place it in a tumble dryer or hot dryer. Washing your clothing does not kill all the head lice, but the dryer on a high setting is able to kill the head lice in most cases. Make sure that clothing put inside the dryer is not mixed with other members of the family. Only put the clothing of the infected person in the dryer. You do not want to spread the head lice.

Towels are common holders of head lice because of the drying of hair after washing. Your towels should also be put into the dryer. Never share a towel with a person who has a head lice infestation. For the best results it's recommended that the towel is placed in the dryer daily as it will help decrease the risk of reintroducing head lice to your head.

Bedding and pillows is another area that requires attention during a head lice break out. The treatment process of head lice is the same as clothing and towels. Take the bedding and place it is a dryer. Do not throw the bedding on the floor and then transport it to the dryer, rather place all the bedding parts ie: pillows, duvet covers etc in the middle that is covered with a sheet and wrap it up. Then take the wrapped up parcel to the dryer and open it and place it in the dryer. Always put the clothing, bedding and towels in the dryer on a high setting for about twenty five minutes.These simple guidelines will help break down the head lice numbers in your home as well as decrease the chances of infecting other members of the household. I have battled with head lice before and so I decided to help other people with the common problem of head lice. Getting rid of head lice can be a challenge, but with the right knowledge and a safe, tested method of killing head lice you will be able to become head lice free again.

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How Home Health Care Helps Families and Patients

Are you worn out caring for your elderly loved ones? Sometimes despite your best efforts it's just not possible to care for your loved ones by yourself anymore. A variety of different medical conditions, family obligations, and work can all contribute to making it very difficult to take care of your senior parents or elderly loved one by yourself. If you've been thinking about hiring home health care you should seriously consider it. Home health care really takes the burden of caring for your elderly loved ones off of your shoulders. It also gives your elderly loved ones better care than you can provide them in some cases.

Think about everything that you do for your elderly loved ones and all the little things that need to be done around the house everyday. Doing dishes, cooking meals, doing laundry, cleaning and other chores become very time consuming when you need to do them at your home and at the home of your senior parents or elderly loved ones. Wouldn't it be nice to have some help with the small tasks that take up so much time everyday? There's also the time spent making sure that your elderly loved ones are bathed, dressed, and physically cared for properly which can also be very time consuming every day.

Most seniors want to stay in their own homes as long as possible, and financial constraints might make a nursing home or assisted living facility an impossible option. But home health care is a good budget friendly alternative to an assisted living center or nursing home. Your loved ones can stay in their home surrounded by their familiar possessions and memories but you will have the peace of mind of knowing that they are being cared for in the best way possible. Home health care workers can also take care of scheduling medical appointments, getting your loved ones to exercise classes or physical therapy, shopping, and other tasks that can be very difficult to manage for family members that need to work or take care of their own families too.

One of the biggest benefits of hiring home health care workers to care for your elderly loved ones is that it gives you more quality time to spend with your loved ones. If their basic needs are being met by home health care worker then you can spend the time that you have with them playing games, watching TV, reading books, or just talking. The time that you have left with your elderly relatives is limited, do you want to spend it washing their dishes or talking to them about the family history and finding out more about their lives?

When you think about the value of spending more quality time with your loved ones, and getting more quality time to spend with your own family or time to spend working on your career, the cost of hiring home health care workers seems negligible doesn't it? Some things, like spending quality time with your loved ones, are worth more than money.

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Fungus Under Nail - Natural Nail Fungus Treatments

Have you noticed fungus under your nail? Symptoms of fungus under nail usually begin with discoloration of the nail. You may also notice that your nail is dull and less shiny than your non-infected nails. Nails may also thicken or emit a slight odor. If you have any of these symptoms, you may have nail fungus and it is important that you treat this as soon as possible.

You should regard fungus under nail the same way you do any other infection. It needs immediate treatment or it can do more damage and it can be passed on to other nails, or even other people in your family. While nail fungus begins as more of a cosmetic problem, you will eventually begin to notice soreness and discomfort surrounding the infected nails.

There are natural home remedies that can be used to treat fungus under nail. Below I have listed 3 homeopathic methods for clearing up the symptoms of nail fungus.

Vicks VapoRub

After bathing, be sure to get your hands and feet are completely dry. Then lather Vicks VapoRub all over your affected nails. Make sure they are well covered with the medicinal rub. Then protect the medicine from spreading to carpet, floors, and furniture by covering with a sock or glove. Do this every day and you should begin to see results after a few weeks

Antiseptic Mouthwash

Make sure nails are clean and dry. Then soak them thoroughly in mouthwash for 20 to 30 minutes. The germ killing power of the mouthwash will also work to kill the fungi as well. After soaking, rinse and dry hands.

Tea Tree Oil

Apply tea tree oil into your infected nails using a cotton tipped swab. Tea tree oil has been used for centuries to get rid of fungus under nail, and it works well. This technique should be repeated several times daily. Tea tree oil acts as a natural antibiotic.

If you have fungus under nail, be sure to keep your nails trimmed as short as possible. With proper treatment, the fungus will eventually grow completely off of your nail. Also be sure that you keep your nails clean and dry. Fungi love warm, moist places. Keeping your nails dry will prevent the fungi from multiplying and spreading. If the fungus under nail is on your toenails, go barefoot or wear sandals when possible. This will prevent perspiration and will also relieve the pain you may be experiencing when your toes are enclosed.

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