Natural Hemorrhoid Remedies and H Miracle
Hemorrhoids are primarily caused due to exertion of excessive pressure near the rectal or pelvic region which makes the veins in this area to swell and inflame and finally giving rise to what is called hemorrhoids. Natural home remedies are possible to reduce the symptoms of this condition. Generally it has been seen that hemorrhoids are caused by various behavioral problems of people like giving excessive pressure in haste during bowel movements, unhealthy food habits leading to constipation, being overweight, etc. So clearly if one corrects these behavioral and habitual problems then chances are that hemorrhoids symptoms can be reduced to a great extent.
It is a well known statement that prevention is better than cure. This is really a very true and important statement. The primary aspect of hemorrhoid management is its prevention. So let's find out how one can avoid developing this uncomfortable condition.
1. The most prevalent cause of hemorrhoids is known to be constipation. This is a condition where bowel movements become difficult due to roughage or digestive problems. To prevent it one must be cautious about food habit. Food which is less spicy, easily digestible should b eaten. More leafy vegetables and salads and fibrous foods should be eaten. This kind of food adds to bulk of the food bolus and helps in bowel movements. Lots of water should also be drunk.
2. Balanced diet should be taken and regular exercise should be done to prevent accumulation of excessive fats in the abdominal area.
3. While defecation one should not hurry and always avoid putting excessive pressure and strain.
These are more or less the ways to prevent hemorrhoids from at all developing. In one sentence if a balanced lifestyle and a healthy food habit is maintained then chances are that this condition will never develop.
For those who are actually suffering from hemorrhoids, simple home remedies are possible which will reduce the pain and discomfort associated with this. Mild cases of hemorrhoids will promptly respond to home remedies but acute cases must be treated with proper medication. Some natural hemorrhoid remedies are as follows:
1. Patients can sit on warm water or Sitz baths for 15 minutes three or four times a day. These will give lot of comfort to them. If Epsom salt can be added to water it will provide a very nice soothing effect and it will also help to reduce the swellings.
2. Plenty of fresh fruits, leafy vegetables and fibrous foods must be incorporated in regular diet. Regular exercising is must. Lot of water and fluid intake is imperative. Spicy foods, Alcoholic drinks should be totally avoided
3. The anal area should be cleansed with mild warm water. Unscented and mild soaps and uncolored tissue papers should always be used. Gently cleaning the area with a wet cleansing tissue is highly recommended.
4. Haste and excessive pressure should be avoided during bowel movements.
5. Sitting for a long time in the same posture is not recommended at all. This may cause unwarranted strain and pressure on the pelvic area and thus may increase the symptoms. So periodic movements of the body is needed. Short walks or stretching can help.
6. If natural home remedies are not having effect on hemorrhoids even after 1-2 weeks then the physician must be contacted. Proper medication should always be followed. Indulgence in over-the-counter drugs without physician's prescription is a strict no-no.
Thus we can see that very simple natural home remedies for hemorrhoids are available which if implemented correctly can be very effective.
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