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Monday, October 5, 2009

Hemorrhoids and Preventative Lifestyle Changes


More fiber! Plant fiber, like whole grain cereals, seed and nuts, vegetables, and legumes (beans). Dietary fiber comes in two forms: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber is found in apples, oat bran, peas, pears, beans, citrus fruit and, Psyllium.

Insoluble fiber is what is important to hemorrhoid sufferers. Insoluble fiber is found in wheat bran, beans, cabbage, peas, and root vegetables like carrots, and potatoes. Insoluble fiber has the ability of absorb large amounts of water and retain it in the colon. This reduces constipation by producing large, soft stools.

High fiber foods include vegetables like broccoli, carrots, cabbage, and I have found crisp or extra cooked sunflower seeds, when you can eat the shells, work very well. Green leafy vegetables and fruits with good fibrous content may be beneficial.

Fruits that have good fiber content include bananas, papaya, apples, peaches, raisins, pears, plums, figs, melons, blackberries, blueberries, cherries, guavas, prunes, mangos, limes, and cranberries.

Corn, brown rice, kidney beans, peanuts, and lentils are good sources of fiber and are high in proteins.

Water is Great

Drink more water to keep hydrated. The fiber mixes with liquid to make your stools moist and loose creating less straining.

Drinking eight glasses of water throughout the day is beneficial in many ways. This will help your hemorrhoids but also help blood circulation and protect your body from dehydration.

Drinking coffee, tea, and alcoholic beverages dehydrate the body, which make stools harder, increasing strain that causes hemorrhoids. Fruit and vegetable juices are rich in vitamins and minerals.

Exercise is King

Exercise should be a key part of your daily lifestyle. It need not be heavy, hard work, just easy walking, bike riding, or swimming. You should find some form of exercise that you enjoy. Regular exercise strengthens and tones the whole body, lowering your weight and reducing the chance of hemorrhoids.

Exercise also makes you thirsty so you drink more water. This ties into the above section on the benefits of drinking more. Exercise flushes the toxins from your body giving overall improved health.

Sitting or standing for long periods of time can increase pressure on the rectal veins which encourage hemorrhoids. Office jobs, long driving jobs, and jobs where you stand in one place all day are the worst offending jobs when it comes to hemorrhoids. Taking frequent breaks and walking around for a few minutes increases blood circulation and may prevent hemorrhoids.

Exercise reduces obesity and there is a higher incidence of hemorrhoids in obese people. Check with your Doctor before beginning an exercise program that is more strenuous then easy walking or biking.

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