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Sunday, August 23, 2009

Influenza, Cold Flu Prevention Treatment

Exposing ourselves to various bacteria, fungi and viruses is inevitable. Exposure can come while at school, in the workplace, on public transit, or even simply around friends and family. While sickness may be inevitable and a part of life, our bodies are meant to adjust to and compensate for these bacteria, fungi and viruses. The same factors apply to the Cold Flu. So let us explore some proper cold flu prevention treatment principles.

The first thing to note is that the cold flu is a virus and is passed when a someone comes in contact with another person. For most people human contact is inevitable, outside of a person being a hermit. So when the cold flu virus is active, the best antidote is a strong cold flu prevention treatment plan. Here is some good advice to make a part of your cold flu prevention treatment action plan.

Hand Washing

This is where every prevention plan should begin. Washing your hands is perhaps the best starting point in cold flu prevention. Touch can be the greatest transmitter of any flu virus. You equally want to stay away from people who are coughing or sneezing. When the virus becomes airborne is such ways, it can quickly be transmitted to those in close proximity.

Flu Shots

Flu shots can give an added boost to your immune system and should be considered once each year. While shots are never a 100% guaranty against the flu, they can minimize the risk as well as the effects of contracting the flu. These shots can be particularly helpful for the very young as well as the elderly in our society.

Plenty of Rest

Make sure that you get an adequate amount of sleep and rest. Not enough sleep and rest can add stress on your immune system causing greater susceptibility to the flu bug. So a great prevention rule is that you should make sure that you regularly get enough sleep.

Avoid Drastic Temperature Change

Sudden changes of external temperature should be avoided. When you are leaving your warm home to go into the frigid climate outside, make sure that you have adequate and suitable layers of clothing for the conditions. Getting chilled can be a quick way to make your body susceptible to the flu bug.

Stop Smoking

This prevention treatment applies to far less people in North America today than it did 25 years ago. As fewer and fewer people are smoking this becomes less of an issue. However, for the people who do smoke, it can dramatically add to their susceptibility to contract that flu virus. Flu symptoms are far worse for those who smoke when compared to those who don't. So the best advice is to simple quit smoking. This in itself will dramatically improve your health.

Strong Immune system

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