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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Simple Hemorrhoid Treatment at Home

Although hemorrhoids are a subject that most people don't feel comfortable talking about, they are a very real and pervasive problem. Countless people suffer from this ailment that not only causes the obvious embarrassment, but sometimes pain, itching, and bleeding.

When in an advanced stage, hemorrhoids can rob the victim of much of their enjoyment of life. And left unchecked, hemorrhoids can progress to the point that serious complications can result, such as from surgical treatment. Fortunately, there are some steps you can take to provide a bit of hemorrhoid relief in the comfort of your own home.

The simplest and most direct way of reducing hemorrhoid symptoms concerns your bathroom habits. Excessive time spent on the toilet, as well as strain during defecation, can greatly contribute to hemorrhoids. Make a point of not going to the bathroom until you really have to go. This can help minimize the time spent in the bathroom.

Diarrhea and especially constipation can create much strain during bowel movements, thereby aggravating one's hemorrhoids. If you suffer from either of these conditions, the cause is most likely to be found in your diet. We all know that we should reduce our intake of fatty processed foods, and eat a diet high in fruits and vegetables, fiber, and whole grains. This is true for everyone, but it becomes especially important if you suffer from hemorrhoids.

Many people don't drink enough water either. It's important to be well hydrated in order to maintain optimal water levels in your intestinal tract. While some people disagree with the often quoted figure of eight glasses a day, that's an approximate figure to shoot for. Because consuming alcoholic, carbonated, or caffeinated beverages actually causes your body to lose water, you should drink more water to offset that effect.

Eating a proper diet while maintaining adequate hydration will greatly help your digestive system. And that means that your food will be easy to digest and eliminate. With less time spent straining on the toilet, your body will be better able to heal any hemorrhoids you may have, while new ones will be less likely to appear. This is an effective means of hemorrhoid treatment, but unfortunately, the reality is that most people aren't willing to make significant changes to their diet.

If that is the case, there are some other simple things to try. One is exercise. As with a proper diet, the benefits of regular exercise are well known. For hemorrhoid sufferers, exercise is even more important, as it aids in digestion and elimination.

If you aren't currently a very active person, even mild or moderate exercise can make a difference, and this doesn't need to cost any money. If nothing else, you always have the option of taking a brisk 30-minute walk a few days a week.

Other possibilities for simple hemorrhoid treatment include using over-the-counter creams to reduce itching, soaking in a warm bath, quitting smoking, and maintaining a healthy body weight. When you're in need of a treatment you can perform at home, any of these methods can be effective.

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