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Sunday, May 31, 2009

How to Cure IBS - Curing the Cause of IBS For Good!

Have you ever wondered "what causes IBS anyway?" Well I'm sure doctors have given you the run-around prescribing drugs that are not curing the cause of IBS. Well today I'm going to explain to you how to cure IBS for good by eliminating the real causes for why it exists in the first place. In virtually every case of IBS if you follow my 3 suggestions your IBS will begin to improve within days.

3 Steps to Healing IBS

#1 - Avoid all processed foods: Processed foods lack vital nutrients, fiber and actually contain a great deal of artificial ingredients and flavours which have been proven to actually inflame the digestive tract and cause all the symptoms of IBS! What this is really coming down to is that most people with IBS don't have a disease but have an allergy or sensitivity to the food they're eating every day.

#2 - Elimination Diet: You need to go back to the basics and do what is known as an elimination diet. This is an eating plan by which you remove all highly irritating foods such as wheat, dairy, corn, soy and sugar from your diet. Every few days to weeks you re-introduce a food that has been eliminated, essentially you're watching for the response your body has to the food once it has been taken out for a period of at least 1-3 weeks. Often the very foods you eat on a daily basis will be the very cause of your IBS.

#3 - Candida: This is a yeast that exists in approximately 90% of the population a portion of which experience IBS as a result of it. In fact a colon over-run with fermenting yeast is extremely common in those with IBS. The solution is a process of cleanses that remove the overgrowth of yeast from your body, clean out your colon while also reducing inflammation and eliminating the very factors that trigger the inflammation to begin with.

Those who do a thorough candida elimination program can expect to not only cure IBS but many other health problems they're currently experiencing. Many times people begin to feel alive for the first time as they experience the benefits of complete health.

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