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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Stool Softeners - Never Fall Victim to Constipation Again

If you want to learn about stool softeners you just found the right article for you. Further on, I'll be telling you about remedies for constipation and constipation causes.

We'll discuss how this type of medication should be taken and special instructions for use. Once I've gone through everything you should be able to find relief in as little as three days or less.

Understanding your constipation cause is vital to learning more about how your body works. In essence your colon and is an extremely sensitive organ and the digestive system is very complex.

Here's the a healthy digestive system, the colon extracts water from the waste material. At this point waste is pushed out of your body when you go the bathroom.

However, if you are experiencing constipation, it means that too much water has been extracted. This causes your stools to become hard and worsens the problem. And here's the kicker: the strain and pressure exerted during bowel movements leads to other troubles such as:

· Heart Conditions

· Hemorrhoids

· Diabetes

· MS

· Parkinson's Disease

· Colon Cancer

· Polyps

· Death (if left untreated)

Indeed, acknowledging your digestive issues and taking the necessary steps to heal your body is crucial to your overall health.

Now, before we go any further, realize that stool softeners are designed to be used on a short-term basis to give you some much needed constipation help. They are not to be used on an on-going basis.

With that in mind note that the stool softener you choose may come as a syrup, a tablet, a capsule, or a liquid mixture you take by mouth - usually before bed.

Ask your doctor or pharmacist to give you clear and concise instructions on anything you may not understand. Resist the urge to take more or less than prescribed or the recommended dosage.

By now you may be wondering what has caused your constipation pain in the first place. Take a look...

· Emotional problems such as depression, anxiety and stress.

· Poor eating habits for example not drinking enough water or eating enough fiber.

· Lack of exercise.

· Some medicines like iron supplements and antacids containing calcium or aluminum.

· Eating disorders including anorexia or bulimia.

· And illness such as Irritable Bowels Syndrome (IBS)

I could go on and on but you get the picture right?

And if you are like most folks hoping to cure constipation now, a stool softener will give you the results you need quickly and effectively.

Last and final vital point: Since reading this article you've discovered the signs, symptoms and causes of constipation, but the most important thing to remember is that stool softeners are only meant to be used on a short term basis unless otherwise prescribed by your doctor.

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