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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Protruding Hemorrhoid Treatment - What Can Be Done to Help This Painful Condition

Normally hemorrhoids are either external as in on the outside of the rectum or internal. Both are painful and have to be dealt with properly to heal. There is an extremely more difficult type of hemorrhoid called a protruding hemorrhoid. These are internal hemorrhoids that can actually exit the anal cavity and protrude out like an external hemorrhoid. These are internal hemorrhoids to the point that they have become much more severe and swollen.

Generally these types of hemorrhoids return inside the rectum, but if they do not you definitely need to see a doctor and get some medical attention.

There are protruding hemorrhoid treatments to keep in mind to help you get over this condition as quickly as possible.

External hemorrhoids have creams and ointments to help sooth the burning, itching, and pain. Internal hemorrhoids can't use these types of creams at all, but there is a version that's made for them. It's a suppository as opposed to a cream. These suppositories have be entered into the rectum but have similar cooling and anti-inflammation properties as the creams do. Many of these can't be used day after day, but they help in relief.

Constipation or improper bowel movements most likely caused the internal hemorrhoid and are causing it pain so that it's more difficult to heal. Get more fiber and water in your diet to help with this. A quick way to start softening the stool is to drink a few glasses of water along with some bananas and figs. Avoid foods high in fats, starches, grease, and salt at first as these won't help your stool soften as well as fruits will.

When using the restroom don't sit there too long and don't strain. This will cause the internal hemorrhoid to protrude much more easily.

If the condition doesn't get better, it's good to see a doctor. There is a procedure called band ligation which can take care of any internal hemorrhoids in about a week.

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