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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Protect Yourself Against Winter Colds With Powerful Health

Winter is on its way and with it comes cold and flu season. While most people are aware that Vitamin C is crucial to your good health, there are many other steps you can take to avoid getting a cold this winter by creating powerful health for yourself with warm clothing, a healthy diet, adequate hydration, and organic herbs and superfoods.

The human body is able to defend itself against a wide variety of attackers when it is healthy. A tired, overly stressed and poorly fed and hydrated body is subject to many more illnesses and diseases. The human body simply cannot fight off infection without the proper food, sufficient water, adequate sleep, and a reasonable amount of exercise.

Virulent Viruses Need A Host But It Doesn't Have To Be You

Viruses, such as those that cause the common cold, need a host body within which to survive. Viruses are the ultimate Trojan Horse and they can be deadly. The H1N1 virus is a prime example of how fast and how far viruses can spread if not contained quickly and effectively. While no one can control the actions of others, we can protect ourselves from viruses and bacteria that make us ill by keeping our bodies in the best health possible.

Good health is the direct result of consuming healthy, natural foods, drinking plenty of fresh, clean water and staying physically active. The modern American diet, however, is packed full of preservatives, pesticides, and additives that have been shown to compromise our good health. Humans have survived for countless millennium eating wild harvested organic herbs, fruits and vegetables, and meat from animals that eat those same natural foods.

Toxins Take A Toll

The food additives in the modern diet can result in toxins building up in the liver, colon and kidneys, reducing their ability to function effectively. Each of these organ systems work to remove toxins and to get important nutrients into the blood supply. Cells that are well fed and well hydrated are better able to fight off infection and attack than unhealthy cells. You can greatly reduce the likelihood of getting sick this winter by providing your body with the superfoods necessary for powerful health.

Drinking abundant amounts of fresh, clean water is a major step toward powerful health. Eating organic herbs, grains, fruits and vegetables is another. If meat is eaten, it should be organically produced to avoid the hormones, antibiotics and other toxins that can harm your powerful health.

Alternative Healing Moves Front And Center

Until recently, alternative healing methods were scoffed at and natural cures were denied and criticized. Modern research, however, has proven the effectiveness of alternative healing methods such as chiropractic, acupuncture, vitamin and mineral therapy, and other natural healing methods. Aside from the need for surgery or other major medical conditions, there are many cases in which we can give our bodies the materials needed for self-healing without going to the doctor. Eating organic herbs, whole grains, fruits and vegetables, staying well hydrated and maintaining a positive attitude can go a long way to reducing your need for any type of health or medical insurance.

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