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Saturday, May 9, 2009

Hemorrhoid Home Treatment - 7 Foods to Avoid Now

So why do we get hemorrhoids in the fist place? And if we do have them is there a hemorrhoid home treatment that is effective, as opposed to the normal commercial stuff that's out there, that really doesn't get to the root cause of hemorrhoids.

The answer in short is yes there is a hemorrhoid home treatment, which is very effective, but more on that later, first let's take a look at why we get hemorrhoids.

A lot of people think that it's just their lot to have been born with them or something; well that's just not the case.

After a lot of intensive research in the alternative therapies field it's thought that the majority of cases, of hemorrhoids are caused by imbalances in out bodies caused by modern day pollutants, along with processed foods, which our bodies are not designed to take in high volumes of.

Now there's possibly not a lot you can do about the pollutants around us, but you sure can do something about the amount of processed foods you ingest.


Before we move on I think it's worth pointing out that not all processed foods are bad here's a couple of examples: pasteurized milk, or homogenized milk, and frozen vegetables, whilst fresh is best, freezing does retain the essential vitamins and minerals, I'm sure you get the point.

The ones to steer well clear of are foods with large quantities of sugar, sodium, and saturated fats.

These would include foods such as:

1. White bread or pasta made with white flour

2. Refined sugars

3. Canned foods with lots of sodium

4. High fat convenience foods

5. Cakes and cookies

6. Processed meats

7. Breakfast cereals with added sugar

So when all this processed/refined food is ingested, it can cause constipation making stools harder, and so much more difficult to pass, this along with irregular bowel movements, and other reasons can be seen as the the "root causes" for hemorrhoids.

So I'm sure you are beginning to see that there is a hemorrhoid home treatment available, but you most likely need to clear your refrigerator out.

Of course you could always just use the commercial lotions and potions that are on the market to give you a quick relief fix. But you know this only works for a limited time.

You know deep down that these creams, ointments, and suppositories don't work for any lasting period of time, they may take away the burning and itching for a quick fix, and of course the other down side is that, they also have side affects for some folks.

If these products worked and, where so good, answer this question: why are you always encouraged to purchase these products in multi packs? So stop the quick fix mentality and work on the root cause of the problem.

It's the root cause that needs to be resolved, first of all stop eating these bad processed foods, and switch to a hemorrhoid home treatment plan of action, and put all that embarrassing, bleeding itching and pain firmly behind you, once and for all.

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