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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Natural Treatment of IBS

IBS or Irritable Bowel Syndrome can be cured by doing it yourself because there is a natural treatment of IBS. Below are some simple steps to follow to help you with IBS naturally.

Slippery Elm Tea

Slippery elm tea will work on your colon tissues. Try to take a cup of elm tea every time you wake up and before you go to bed. This is one way you can do to help you with Irritable Bowel syndrome.

Olive Oil and Lobelia Oil

Apply one tablespoon of olive oil and lobelia oil to your stomach. Then gently massage your stomach for like 15 minutes. This will help your body to release some tensions. It is a good idea to massage it clockwise and perform some breathing exercise.

Breathing Exercise

It is also a good idea to make breathing exercise a habit. Make sure to do it deep and for like 5 times per day. This will also release some tensions in your body which can help to treat Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Water and Peppermint Tea

Everyday, you should always remember to drink 8 glasses of water. You may also want to drink some peppermint tea everyday after every meal. This is another way to help you with IBS.


You can also add up some probiotic drinks with your meals. This is another great tip.

Hydrogenated Guar Gum

Taking some hydrogenated guar gum with your diet will also help to treat Irritable Bowel Syndrome because it can lead to lesser constipation problems.


You can also put some cinnamon on your meals because this will improve your digestion and will stay you away from diarrhea.

Aroma therapy

This is also a good way to treat your IBS because this will help your mind to relax as well as your body.

Want more natural treatment of IBS? Please Read Below.